(Fred Armisen, Who Rocks.)
I watched SNL this weekend, and it only confirmed what I already knew: I hate Donald Trump more than any other public figure. The only subject he's capable of talking about is how successful he is! He's the very definition of a BORE. (And as an added hate-him bonus, he used the phrase "make love" in his opening monologue.)
BUT, Saturday's show was encouraging in one major way: the show is making more use of one of its best players, Fred Armisen. The funniest sketch by far was a commercial for "Fear Factor: Junior," a version of Fear Factor in which second graders are forced to jump out of planes into the ocean ("You know how to swim, right?"), eat all sorts of gross things, and answer trivia questions in order to keep their beloved Golden Retriever from being drowned. The following voice-over/caption had me laughing so hard I couldn't pay attention to the rest:
"The New York Times calls 'Fear Factor: Junior' "The Most...Example of...Society."
Fred's been getting so much screen time lately that if there's any justice in this world he'll be a full cast member (and not just a Featured Player) by the end of this season.